Friday, October 25, 2013

Android 4.4 KitKat more for TVs than phones, report says

Google could be turning on your goggle box with KitKat. The Android 4.4 update could do more for your television than it does for your phone, if new reports are to be believed.
Korea's ETNews reports that KitKat will feature an interface that's designed to scale up to a connected smart TV's larger screen, as well as improved interaction between a telly and an Android phone or tablet.
Google is increasingly casting its eye at the telly in your living room, reportedly ditching the name of its as-yet not that popular Google TV smart TV system to Android TV, perhaps motivated by the success of the Chromecast telly dongle.
The last time Google aimed an Android update at a specific type of device was Honeycomb, which pumped up the software from smart phones from tablets when the first Android began to appear. Honeycomb was by definition a bit of a cul-de-sac, and the next update, Ice Cream Sandwich, quickly standardised things across both phones and tablets.
We've been waiting longer than usual for KitKat -- we were expecting it to be unveiled under the name Key Lime Pie earlier this summer just gone -- so if it does turn out to be designed mostly for a thing that most of us don't use I'm sure I won't be the only one disappointed.
Still, I'm sure Google will treat us to some cool new Android goodness when the Nexus 5 and Nexus 10 come along.
KitKat is so close we can almost taste its four-fingered milk chocolate goodness, with the Nexus 5 even briefly showing up on Google Play.
Are you excited about KitKat and the Nexus 5? Should Google make a play for your TV? What do you want to see in the new software? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or join the dance party on our Facebook page.

Will Android Be the One Operating System to Rule Them All?

Android, the mobile-phone operating system that powers most of the world’s smartphones, was never intended just to be used on phones, even though that is where it has had the greatest success. London’s Droidcon conference, which closes Friday, is full of developers trying to integrate it into every device they can think of.

What about a smart washbasin and mirror? Tokyo-based Seraku Co. has embedded it into a bathroom mirror. Want to watch the news, or check traffic, while brushing your teeth, or keep a detailed log of your weight? The mirror will do it for you.

There are watches, cars, augmented-reality goggles, even a device for growing food hydroponically, all of which use the operating system.

Kevin McDonagh, CEO of Novoda Ltd., a London-based Android development agency, and organizer of Droidcon, is as passionate an evangelist as you are going to find. He sees a future where it will be in everything—”the one operating system to bind them all.”

“Android was envisaged as an operating system of interconnected devices,” he said. “It is in washing machines, it is microwaves. It is even in a rice cooker.”

Why would you want such a thing? Well, putting smarts in dumb machines makes a lot of sense. Domestic machines have for a very long time had microprocessors in them to optimize processes, but the problem for many is that they exist in their own silos. Can a washing machine talk to a dryer?

Adding a common platform like Android makes it easier to integrate devices, easier for developers to build on them, easier for consumers to interact with them (controlling them over the Internet or via a mobile phone, for example), easier for them to interact with consumers. If your washing machine could talk to your TV, it could tell you when the wash was done.

There is some confusion between what is Android and what is GoogleGOOG -0.13%. Typically when people talk about Android they mean Google, but, said Mr. McDonagh, they are not synonymous. There is an open-source (meaning it is free for anyone to download and do as they like with it) project called AOSP (Android Open Source Project), and there is Google’s version of Android, augmented by its own proprietary services (maps, Gmail, etc.).

In the hotly contested area of smartphones, the distinction between the two can be significant. In the world of embedded devices, it is unlikely that your washing machine is going to have a Gmail account, so the distinction between the two becomes less important.

But if every device from your phone to your rice maker is running the same operating system, isn’t this a huge vulnerability? “Yes,” Mr. McDonagh said bluntly. “But having it open to a global pool of experts to tackle the problems is much more reassuring than the secular scrutiny of Microsoft or Apple. I am sure they have incredible experts, but they don’t have a world of experts.”

Paradoxically, the future for Android (outside the smartphone), said Mr. McDonagh, is for it to disappear—it will become almost invisible, the thing that makes everything tick. “If Android is successful, it will vanish into every area of our daily lives.”

How to make smooth scrolling ListViews in Android

High performance listviews can improve the user experience

In mobile development today, the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) are king. It’s important to optimize the performance of your application to provide the best experience. Here’s how to optimize the ListView in Android for smooth scrolling.

Android has lagged behind iOS on the UI/UX front due to the increased flexibility provided by the Android platform. While iOS is more limiting on what’s available to the developer, these limitations force key components to be optimized for the best user experience. It’s up to you as a developer to properly code your application for performance in many more cases under Android.
One of the most utilized views in mobile applications is the List View, a vertical scrolling set of elements. It’s important that you construct the list view and it’s layout elements in the proper way in order to achieve efficient performance and smooth scrolling.

ListView creation

When you build a layout in Android, you construct your view in XML, inflate that layout into a View object, then perform an ID lookup on the view for each element - casting it to the proper widget type and binding it onto a variable.
 public View getView(int i, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
     view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.twitter_item,viewGroup,false);
     TextView name = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
     TextView screen_name = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
     TextView tweet =     (TextView)view.findViewById(;
     TextView created_at = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
      TwitterItem item = (TwitterItem)getItem(i);
     tweet.setText(item.getTweet());      created_at.setText(TwitterHelper.toFriendlyTwitterDate(item.getCreated_at()));
    return view;

This function will get executed for every cell in a listview to draw the layout. Android employs a recycling technique to avoid inflating the same layout over and over again (since it’s always the same in this case), however the ID look-ups for each specific element are still called every time.
That means for every cell in your list view, CPU cycles are used to look up these same 4 twitter elements every single time. More complicated views can have dozens of elements. The cost of this look up is the number of cells * the number of elements which can grow quickly.

The View Holder Pattern

With the View Holder pattern, a static reference to each element is created and held onto while the ListView is being drawn. This reduces the cost of the element look-ups to 1 * the number of elements, a massive savings in CPU cycles.
Note: Ok, Ok, it’s not quite 1x since the view isn’t always recycled but you get the picture.
Implementing this pattern is pretty simple. To start, make a static class inside your Adapter class to hold your widget elements:
public class TwitterAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
   static class TwitterViewHolder{
       TextView name;
       TextView screen_name;
       TextView twitter;
       TextView created_at; } ... }

Then, modify your getView function.
First, check and see if the view has been initialized yet. If it hasn’t, initialize both the view and the ViewHolder, perform the element look-ups, and set the Tag on the view to hold your ViewHolder object. If it has, get the existing ViewHolder object from the view Tag (saving the ID look-ups).
Next, use the ViewHolder element references to build out your view.

 public View getView(int i, View view, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
        TwitterViewHolder viewHolder;
       if(view == null){
          view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.twitter_item,viewGroup,false);
          viewHolder = new TwitterViewHolder(); = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
        viewHolder.screen_name = (TextView)view.findViewById(;       viewHolder.twitter = (TextView)view.findViewById(;
    viewHolder.created_at = (TextView)view.findViewById(;    view.setTag(viewHolder);
      viewHolder = (TwitterViewHolder)view.getTag();
     TwitterItem item = (TwitterItem)getItem(i);;    viewHolder.screen_name.setText(item.getUser().getScreen_name()); viewHolder.twitter.setText(item.getTwitter()); viewHolder.created_at.setText(TwitterHelper.toFriendlyTwitterDate(item.getCreated_at()));
  return view;

A better experience

This can be considered a best practice for ListView coding. Android apps have a terrible reputation for design because optimizations like this are skipped. The beauty of Android is its openness and flexibility, you can do near anything, but with that power comes a responsibility to take the necessary measures to make your creation efficient. Since the ListView control is so common, this tip can go a long way to help Android UI/UX.

BBM downloads touch 10 million mark on Android, iOS in first 24 hours

Canadian handset maker BlackBerry said its popular chat application BBM for rival Android-based handsets and iPhones has witnessed over 10 million downloads in the first 24 hours of its re-launch.
The struggling smartphone maker had yesterday resumed the rollout of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM).
"It's been 24 hours since we resumed the launch of BBM for Android and iPhone. And what a day it's been! We've already had more than 10 million downloads of BBM," BlackBerry EVP (BBM) Andrew Bocking said in a post on the company's official blog.

In September, BlackBerry had paused the global rollout of its instant messaging service BBM on rival phones, blaming the delay on issues caused by an unreleased old version of BBM (BlackBerry Messenger).
"When we saw almost one million people install an unreleased version of the Android version, another million use workarounds to download BBM onto their iPhones and another six million people pre-register to know when BBM became available for iPhone and Android, we knew we were on to something huge," he noted.
The application has also seen 'overwhelmingly positive reviews' on Google Play and the App Store. BBM has earned 60,000 five-star reviews on Google Play from about 87,000 reviews, he added.
On Apple's App Store, BBM rose quickly in the free app rankings in the first 24 hours, taking the number one slot in more than 75 countries, including the US, Canada, the UK, Indonesia and most of the Middle East, Bocking said.
BlackBerry said it will add more new features to BBM to promote it as the private social network.
"While we're excited to bring BBM to iPhone and Android - we aren't stopping there. Work isn't slowing down at all. We committed to delivering a BBM experience on iPhone and Android that was equal to that on BlackBerry 10. That means bringing BBM Video, BBM Voice and BBM Channels...
"My team is still committed to bringing those features to BBM on Android and iPhone in the near future. And we are not stopping there - we have some great new features planned that will build on BBM as the private social network you count on for immediate conversations you can control and trust," Bocking said.
Download BBM for Android here and iPhone here

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

iOS vs Android: Choosing between them has never been harder ( IOS 7 Update and 4.2 JellyBean )

Back in the old days when Apple was king and Android was the unruly upstart, it was relatively easy to decide which phone you wanted to purchase.
Desirability, attractive icons and loads of apps to download, but aren't concerned with being locked down at all times? Choose Apple. Want deep customization, freedom to tinker and robust multitasking, but don’t mind the odd catastrophic system crash or crippling lack of decent app support? Android’s the OS for you.
While some of those points still apply today, iOS and Android have never been more alike than they are right now. Apple has enhanced iOS to include multitasking, improved notifications and an all-new “colourful” appearance thanks to the iOS 7 update, while Google has made stock Android more visually appealing and stable, and developer support has grown.
The two rivals have now converged and the end result of this osmosis is that consumers have little to choose between them. Just comparing simple screenshots reveals how similar they are. 
This in itself isn’t a bad thing at all – it’s good that both Apple and Google are able to appreciate what makes their respective software tick, and what elements of their rival’s output is ripe for replication. Google copied iOS way back in 2008, switching from the planned BlackBerry-style interface to a touch-screen, icon-based arrangement.
In turn, Apple has lifted elements such as multitasking and pull-down notifications from Android, and has copied Google Now with the new “Today” feature, which outlines your schedule for the next 24 hours, as well as giving information on the weather, or the traffic on your journey to work. 
The problem is that when you have two operating systems which essentially do the same thing the market suffers as a result. Companies which make software of this kind should be trying to offer something different - although Microsoft’s Windows Phone hasn’t succeeded in toppling either Apple or Google, you have to give it respect for at least trying to do its own thing.
BlackBerry appears to have taken the other route, and is now trying its hardest to replicate what iOS and Android are doing.
Predictably, someone has already created an iOS 7 skin for Android, but there really seems like little point in applying it when the two operating systems are almost indistinguishable. And that makes me feel a little sad. As someone who uses both on a regular basis, I kind of liked the fact that iOS and Android offer different experiences.
Now the two seem to blend into one, and the almost uncanny likeness only serves to accentuate each platform’s deficiencies - lack of control in iOS, lack of overall polish in Android. I hope that future updates will see the two erstwhile rivals diverge on different paths, because it would be a crying shame if they slavishly copied one another and ended up losing their uniqueness as a result.
What are your thoughts on this? If you’re a long-standing iOS supporter, do you dig the new look? Perhaps you’re an Android fan who has long taken issue with iOS’ skeuomorphic appearance, and you’re now wondering if it’s time to make the switch? Post a comment below to share your thoughts, and also let us know if you think we’re talking complete hogwash and that iOS and Android are still poles apart.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Android users can finally capture life in motion using Vine

Vine, Twitter’s video sharing app, is the latest trend to hit social networking. Vine can be downloaded fand allows users to create and record video clips with the maximum of 6 seconds, promoting the user’s creativity. Even brands such as Lowe’s and Gap, are using it to promote and inspire their business.

Previously, Vine was only available for iPhone users, but on June 3, Twitter announced that they had created Vine for Android users requiring Android 4.0 or higher.

Vine 1.0 for Android supports the basic functionality such as capturing and sharing 6-second clips, the Explore tab, sharing to Twitter and the Find Friends feature.  However, There are still some features missing in the Android version.

Vine for Android will soon have all the features, including some that iPhone users won’t have, such as the ability to zoom.  According to Twitter, this feature is impossible on the iPhone.  However, iPhone users have the advantage of front-facing cameras, mentions, hash-tags, search and sharing onto Facebook, which aren’t currently available for the Android.

Twitter announced that Android users should expect frequent updates from Vine over the next couple of weeks.  In a blog post, Twitter also announced that the two apps, on both Android and iPhone, are not completely in sync.  Twitter says future updates may contain some features that may work for only Android users.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Are you an Android user envying iOS 7? There's a skin for that

Those who want to try out the colors and icons of Apple's new operating system on a Google-powered phone now can with the jbOS7 theme.

Android users who want to see if the grass really is greener on the Apple side of the fence now can try out the new color scheme debuting in iOS 7.
A theme called jbOS7 marries the Jelly Bean version of Android with the iOS 7 style. Its creator, shmogt, used some custom icons and TeslaCoil Software's Nova Launcher home screen replacement app.
"It is more than just a background image with some icons," shmogt said by e-mail. "The theme also has a lock screen as well as two additional screens that act as apps. For example, you press the weather icon and it takes you to the weather screen I designed rather than open the weather app. [I] tried to add as much iOS 7 feel as possible."

The new design of iOS 7, which Apple debuted Monday at its Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), adopts a cleaner look in favor of more elaborate icons and apps that employ skeuomorphism -- a calendar app that looks like a real-world desktop calendar, for example -- that Apple has used so widely for years.
The new, more colorful look has generated some mockery, though, including the Jony Ive Redesigns Things blog by Sasha Agapov.
Gail Santos, a 20-year-old "polygadgetrous" student who likes to experiment with herSamsung Galaxy Note II's home screen, tried the look out for a day "to show my iOS friends what Android can do," she said on Google+.
Update: Santos apparently was just trying out the look that shmogt published at theme-sharing site MyColorScreen, and Santos has removed her original post.
iOS vs. Android can be a polarizing debate, and she evidently grew annoyed with some of the Apple-vs.-Google fanboy squabbling.
"In my opinion, both are good platforms," she said on Google+. "I'm not saying Apple is better just by doing this. Come on, don't make this a big deal. The point of Android is you can do anything with it."

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Android growth slows in US as iPhone shoots ahead in December

ComScore figures show that Android had second slow month in a row while Apple added 3.2m users - but BlackBerry and Windows Phone now have struggle for third place.

The number of new Android users was the smallest added since April 2012, when only 0.3m new users were added. Android's share of the market dipped for the second successive month to 52.3%, from the peak of 53.7% in November 2012.
But the figures still give Android the largest share of the smartphone market, which has now reached 129.4m users in the US - 55.3% of the 234 million people aged over 13 with phones by ComScore's figures.
The data are collected from "an intelligent online survey of a nationally representative sample of mobile subscribers age 13 and older." It only counts primary mobile phones, and doesn't include second phones provided by employers.
According to the data, there were 67.7m Android users in January 2013 - compared to 49.2m at the start of 2012, a gain of 18.5m. Apple's iPhone, meanwhile, grew from 29.9m to 48.9m, an increase of 19m.
Together, Android and iOS have 90.1% of the US smartphone market.

That leaves BlackBerry and Windows Phone fighting it out for the third place spot. BlackBerry still leads with 7.6m handsets in use, against 4m for Windows Phone. But while BlackBerry has lost 7.8m users in the past year, Microsoft has not so far been able to benefit - with its total number of handsets running Windows Mobile or Windows Phone actually dropping by 0.5m in the same period, even though the total number of smartphone users has grown by 28.1m.
Samsung is the second largest smartphone supplier in the US, ComScore said, with a 21.4% share, equivalent to 27.7m users. With few, if any, users of its Bada system in the US, that means that Samsung has 41% of the Android market - slightly lower than its worldwide share, which is closer to 50%.
After that comes HTC, with a 9.7% share of the overall smartphone installed base. Its position in the US reflects the struggles it has been having more broadly: on Wednesday it announced that its revenues in February fell by 44% year-on-year. In the US, the ComScore data shows that HTC's user base has fallen from a peak of 15m in January 2012 to 12.6m a year later.
Google-owned Motorola had an 8.6% share, down from 10.0% three months earlier. Like HTC, Motorola's installed base has been falling steadily, both in smartphones and featurephones; as recently as March 2010 it was the most-used brand in the US.
LG was the fifth-ranked smartphone brand, with 7.0%, equivalent to 9.1m users. That has risen from 8.1m in October 2012. It's unclear whether the increase is reflected by sales of the LG-made Nexus 4 phone - which is branded as a Google phone rather than LG.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie Based On Linux 3.8 Kernel? Google Developing From Newly Released Source Code

Once Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie is unveiled, possibly at the Google I/O conference in May, developers and enthusiasts alike will find out whether or not the new Android operating system will be based on the recently released Linux 3.8 kernel.
Reports from Phoronix suggest the “experimental” public source code from Linux will be the framework for Android’s next OS.

While Google engineers are reportedly developing the modifications for a stable Android build with in the Linux 3.8 kernel repository, the tech company won’t be getting rid of old builds just yet. Previous Linux kernels will continue to be used on popular Android devices.

Key Lime Pie’s predecessor, Jelly Bean, is based on the Linux 3.0 kernel, with the Android 4.2.2 update for the Google Nexus 4 being released just days ago, which was based on the Linux 3.4 kernel.

Several phones such as the AT&T HTC One XL, Motorola DROID 4, Motorola DROID 3, Motorola DROID RAZR and Motorola DROID Bionic, as well as the Sprint Galaxy Nexus and the GSM Motorola RAZR, are expected to receive the Linux 3.4 based Android 4.2.2 update, according to Phandroid.

As for Android 5.0, the OS is expected to release alongside the rumored Motorola Xsmartphone, which many believe will also be unveiled at Google I/O. If so, it will be the first device powered by a Linux 3.8 kernel derived Android build. However, rumors also suggest that the Motorola X could be the same device as another smartphone highly speculated about, Google's Nexus 5.

Press Blue suggests the elusive phone may be Google’s attempt to work with Motorola since it acquired the company in May 2012, suggesting that whatever the phone is called, it may be a Motorola-manufactured phone with a Google Nexus name or some other newfangled combination of the two companies.

Nevertheless, it is highly likely that Key Lime Pie will be granted a dynamic flagship phone to introduce the new Android operating system.

Google is known for coinciding OS unveilings with phone unveilings as it did with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus in 2011. The extremely popular phone was notably powered by an OS based on the Linux 3.0.31 kernel.

AVP: Evolution by FOX hits the Play store

Get ready for the ultimate battle of Alien vs Predator. The folks from FOX have been teasing this game for some time, but today it finally landed in the Google Play Store. Instead of being in the middle of a war you’ll actually get to participate and it looks like loads of fun. Any AvP fan will surely want to check this out.

This brand new game AvP: Evolution brings the classic movies to our favorite Android devices. What’s even better is you’ll get to play both sides too. Yup, you can be Alien or Predator in this new mobile game. You’ll have to fork over $5 to enjoy this title, but the video below will give you an idea of what to expect. As Predator you’ll be able to fight against the hordes of enemy Aliens in an attempt to save the clan, and as Alien you’ll be saving the Alien race from enslavement by the Predators. It’s basically a nice twist on the classic movies, and has plenty of violence and gore. Take a peek below.

While $5.00 for a mobile game isn’t cheap the graphics are decent, and they promise hours of fun gameplay. Plus any fan has to get this for his collection. It offers fierce combat and tons of character level-ups to increase and enhance gameplay. FOX also added controller support too, so for those with a Bluetooth controller you can enjoy this new game even more. For those interested head to the Play Store and give it a try today.

The absolute brilliance of Google's Android strategy

Watching the flood of news from Mobile World Congress this week, it struck me that Android may be the smartest thing that Google has ever done. And Google didn't even have a booth at the show.
When Google bought Rubin's startup way back in 2005, the company was worried about proprietary mobile platforms dominating the mobile space, and locking out future opportunities for Google to distribute services -- and more important, sell ads -- on devices like smartphones. Ironically, the platform Google was worried about was Microsoft's Windows Mobile, as the iPhone was but a glimmer in Steve Jobs' eye at that point. 
But the important part was the strategy.

The Google version of Android was announced in 2007 as the cornerstone of the Open Mobile Alliance, a group of partners that included Google plus a bunch of hardware makers and some carriers. The key is that first word: Open.
This is an incredibly loaded word, with different meanings to different people, and arouses a lot of fervor and passion from folks who think commercial software is generally inferior, immoral, or both. In Android's case, there are enough angels dancing on the heads of pins (patents, Java, the Skyhook case, Motorola) to keep everybody arguing about "open" for the next decade.
But whenever I hear the word "open" from a commercial company, the first question I ask is "what are they trying to commoditize?" 
The "open" commoditization strategy runs like so:

  • Undercut the competitor's business by giving a good-enough equivalent away for free.
  • Enable fast improvement and unexpected uses by releasing at least some of the technical underpinnings to the world at large and allowing them to modify the platform for their own uses

IBM tried to commoditize Windows with its support of Linux in the early 2000s. I have argued that Facebook is 
trying to commoditize Google's datacenter advantage with the Open Compute Project.
But Google's commoditization of the market for commercial smartphone platforms is the most successful example the world has ever seen.
Android went from one of Google's many pilot projects in 2007 to become the top smartphone platform in the world by 2010. Commercial platforms like Windows Phone are struggling because Android turned the mobile device operating system into a commodity. Newer platforms like Firefox OS and Tizen don't have a chance. Who needs another open platform when there's already such a huge ecosystem built around Android?
Even more impressive, Android did this even though the smartphone market was essentially created by another company: Apple.
It would be foolish to downplay Apple's success. This is not an either-or game -- both Google and Apple are winning, and Apple is capturing the vast majority of profits in the smartphone business.
But Apple does this by offering a totally planned and integrated experience from start to finish -- from the moment you walk into the store, through opening the box, setting the phone up, using it every day, buying and installing apps, and everything else -- focusing exclusively on the consumer experience all the way through. (Former Microsoft Windows Phone GM Charlie Kindel pointed this out quite eloquently last week.)
The value is in the whole package. The platform, iOS, only serves that larger mission.

Android, meanwhile, is faced with all sorts of problems. There's fragmentation -- device makers put Android on devices with different screen sizes and processors, and carriers don't update their phones with the latest versions in a timely fashion, which means that developers have to do extra work to target all these different devices, or leave users hanging. Most Android smartphone vendors, with the notable exception of Samsung, are not making a lot of money selling the phones. There's the Amazon Kindle play, where a competitor takes the underlying Android kernel and customizes it, removing all links to Google services and replacing them with its own services, depriving Google of any hope of making money from the sale.
But from Google's perspective, it doesn't matter. The goal was simply to prevent any single commercial platform from dominating the mobile space and blocking Google entirely. Now, that's never going to happen.
The beauty of the "open" Android approach, shown at MWC this week, is that Google has an army of partners racing as fast as they can to fill every conceivable gap left by Apple, BlackBerry, and any other commercial phone vendor.
Android isn't secure enough to displace the BlackBerry in security-conscious organizations? Samsung is tackling that angle with SAFE and KNOX.
Workers need cheap special-function devices to replace the old embedded devices they used to have? American Airlines showed how it could be done with locked-down Galaxy Notes, and HP's $169 Android tablet seems tailor-made for such uses.
Consumers don't want to carry both a tablet and a phone? Fine -- that's where Android "phablets" come in.
Need more innovation? How about a dual-screen phone? Or a phone with a week's worth of battery life?
And if, for some reason, Android partners ever stop innovating to Google's satisfaction (as happened in PC business prior to Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface), Google has its own hardware company -- Motorola -- to drive innovation forward. It cost $12 billion, but subtract out the value of the patents to protect the broader ecosystem, and that looks like a pretty cheap price to pay for a big stick.
Andy Rubin may be worried about Samsung's growing dominance, as a Wall Street Journal report claimed this week, but he shouldn't lose too much sleep. Just as the "open" Android strategy helped it stop the iPhone from taking over the world, it will help beat back any other threat as well.
And meanwhile, if anybody ever figures out how to make big bucks off mobile advertising, it'll be Google.

Why Game Creators Prefer iPhone to Android

There is no great game on Android that is not also on the iPhone.
This has been true since the inception of the Android marketplace: Nearly every best-selling Android game, from Where’s My Water? to Bridge Constructor, showed up first on Apple’s devices. And the scene’s top developers say this won’t change anytime soon.
Android “is stuck as a repository for iOS ports,” says Kepa Auwae, whose company Rocketcat Games has created some of the iPhone’s most critically acclaimed titles. He has ported his games to Android, but only after first finding success on Apple’s devices. His newest game, Punch Quest, will get an Android port later this year.
Even as the Android operating system expands its market share over Apple’s iOS devices — onereport on the third quarter of 2012 showed that Android had captured over 70 percent of the market to Apple’s 13 percent — developers are sticking with iOS first. The games come out on iOS, and if they do well financially, they might show up on Android marketplaces a year or so later. The extraterrestrial exploration game Waking Mars came to iPhone and iPad in February of 2012, but didn’t show up on Android until nine months later. It took nearly two years for the pixel-art iPad favorite Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP to make its way to Android. And on and on.
According to Waking Mars co-creator David Kalina, his game has sold over 140,000 units on iOS, but fewer than 5,000 on Android.
Many other developers blame Android’s piracy problem. Android has always struggled with hackers and pirates, with some developers reporting piracy rates as high as 83 percent. But it’s not just piracy that’s the problem.
For established mobile publishers like Rovio, it’s a no-brainer to develop an Android port alongside the iOS version. Its games will almost certainly sell in both markets, so it makes sense for a surefire hit likeBad Piggies to show up on all mobile devices simultaneously. An outfit like Rovio also has the manpower to make this happen. For independent developers with limited marketing budgets, it’s not so easy.
“For us, it’s a matter of having limited time,” says Auwae. “So we have to choose one platform as our main focus. iOS wins out because games on there still make more money, while also having less support issues due to device fragmentation.”
Apple has released fewer than 20 different iterations of the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. In comparison, the maker of the Android app Open Signal found last year that its app was being run on 3,997 different devices.
“From a testing and quality assurance perspective,” says Supergiant Games creative director Greg Kasavin, “the scope is narrower if you’re making a game for, say, just the iPad 2 and newer, as opposed to many different Android tablets you’d have to purchase and test on.” The iPad version of his game Bastion, is one of the platform’s highest-rated games ever, but plans for an Android port are not in the cards.
Kevin Pazirandeh, CEO of Zombie Highway creator Auxbrain, says it’s a good idea to consider an Android port. “It’s too much money to leave on the table if you have the resources,” he said. “That said, there are a lot of developers who at least want to see their game make enough money on iOS to buy an Android Unity license and a device to test on. I think you would find that filters out about 95 percent of games that launch on iOS.”
Things may improve for Android down the line. Technologies like Unity that make porting games easier than ever are bringing more and more iOS games to Android, Pazirandeh said.
“Android’s popularity as a platform is undeniable,” says Greg Kasavin, “so I think independent developers are wise to be paying attention to it.”

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Google X Phone vs Galaxy S4: the battle for Android in 2013?

A new Wall Street Journal report reveals that Google is indeed worried about Samsung’s increased role in the Android ecosystem, with the South Korean company being currently the number one Android smartphone and tablet maker when it comes to market share and profits.
We say indeed because we have speculated more than once that Samsung’s impressive lead could become a problem for Google at some point in the future. In fact, just recently an unofficial look into googling habits from potential buyers for the past year showed that some customers may already be confusing “Android” with “Galaxy,” with the later being the strongest device Android brand out there.
At the same time, Samsung is a great ally in the Android vs Apple war, one that Google can’t really afford to lose, so the Google-Samsung relationship is definitely one to follow in the coming months, especially if the latter is unhappy.

The report

As it always does, the WSJ has spoken with people familiar with the matter, who remain unnamed, but are able to comment on this particular business relationship. According to them, Google executives are worried about Samsung’s influence in the Android ecosystem and what the giant corporation could do in the future, as its market share increases:
Google executives are worried that Samsung could extract financial or other concessions if it gains more leverage, people with direct knowledge of the matter said. […]
At a Google event last fall for its executives, Android head Andy Rubin praised Samsung’s success and said the partnership had been mutually beneficial, a person familiar with the meeting said.
But Mr. Rubin also said Samsung could become a threat if it attains a dominant position among mobile-device manufacturers that use Android, the person said. Mr. Rubin said that Google’s recent acquisition of Motorola Mobility, which makes Android-based smartphones and tablets, served as a kind of insurance policy, or “hedge,” against a manufacturer such as Samsung gaining too much power over Android, the person said.

The worries

Apparently Google is worried that Samsung may affect its bottom line by demanding a larger cut of its mobile ad-based profits in the future – currently Samsung is getting 10% of the take – and/or that Samsung may ask for special favors, such as early access to future Android updates.
To Google, mobile ads are worth 8 billion a year according to recent estimates, and the number will certainly grow in the future. That 10% accounts for one hefty pay off to Samsung, and the South Korean giant has apparently “signaled that it might want more.”
Samsung is pulling some serious cash from Android device sales – $60 billion in 2012 alone – so should it demand more cash from Google ads? Well the company may have its own reasons for being sort-of angry with Google, including the Motorola purchase, or the Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 pricing structures, which may have affected to some extent Samsung’s own bottom line. So Samsung may feel it’s entitled to make up for lost Galaxy smartphones and tablet sales with more of Google’s money. After all, Samsung is in it for hardware profits, and needs to make money off device sales, without being able to rely to other revenue streams such as the Google Play Store or online advertising.
Is there also a worst-case scenario that Google fears, like Samsung completely moving to a different mobile platform? Samsung is still developing its own Linux-based OS, Tizen, which doesn’t look half-bad considering the recent screenshots we’ve seen. In fact, it looks like Tizen will become an even more important part of Samsung, with bada merging into Tizen in the future. Not to mention that Intel is also a very interested party in the Tizen project, as it could become an important play in its attack on the mobile market.
While it seems like a strange proposition for now, what if Samsung decided, at any point in the future, to move from Android to its own OS? The more it builds its Galaxy brand, the more customers will follow, without knowing or even caring that their next-gen Galaxy devices won’t run Android anymore. Sure, Android fans will stick with Android, and Samsung would lose customers in such a case, but the more power it can leverage in the Android landscape, the more it can present such a scenario to Google and make more demands.
We’re not forgetting that there’s always Windows Phone, a mobile OS Samsung is also working with, but one that wouldn’t necessarily fit to Samsung’s needs as a main mobile OS.
More realistically though, Samsung would only need to remove Google services from its Android smartphones and tablets – in an Amazon-like manner – to get Google’s attention.

The solution

If Google does indeed have a Samsung problem, then should we view the upcoming Google/Motorola X Phone as a possible solution to it? Are we going to see Google silently fight Samsung this year in an X Phone vs Galaxy S4 clash of titans?

Google has always said – at least so far – that it won’t give preferential treatment to Motorolanow that it owns it. We have no idea whether it meant it, or whether it was all just a show, so other Android device makers won’t worry about competing against future Motorola Nexus devices.
Moreover, according to a Google exec, the Motorola purchase was all about the patents – and now we hear it was a hedge bet according to Rubin. The company didn’t release any special Android device, not counting the new RAZR models, and did say recently that it still needs time until it’s able to make its own hardware.
But that might change with the Google X Phone, an extraordinary device expected to arrive at Google I/O in mid-May sporting high-end specs and running Google’s future Android 5.0 Key Lime Pie without actually being a Nexus device.
The X Phone has been spotted in various rumors and leaks so far, without being actually confirmed, but this time around WSJ does mention it:
Meanwhile, Google’s Motorola has been developing what it calls the X Phone to compete with Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy S devices, people with knowledge of the initiative have said.
The fact that the WSJ talks about the device gives added weight to the current X Phone reports out there – let’s not forget that just a few days ago, the same publication talked about Google’s Chromebook, which was launched hours after that particularly story hit the virtual presses. This time around, an X Phone announcement will not be just around the corner, but the device is looking more and more real.
The Galaxy S4 is going to be unveiled on March 14 at a special event in New York – which we’ll attend live – therefore at least two months before the X Phone becomes official. We’re certainly interested to see how this particular battle will play out, since in light of this WSJ report the X Phone looks more like a Galaxy S4 rival than a device meant to further chip away at Apple’s market and profit share – but yes, it will do both if successful.

Without mentioning any details about the device, the WSJ can certainly make Android fans dream about a high-end Motorola handset that would fight Samsung flagship devices:
In the event that Google’s relationship with Samsung goes south, the U.S. company’s Android business could work with the company’s Motorola unit—similar to the way Apple’s hardware and software units work together to create iPhones and iPads—to make sure Motorola’s Android devices are superior to the competition, people familiar with Google’s thinking said. Such a move could alienate other Android device makers, however.
Yes, other Android OEMs would also be hit by the X Phone, and could put Google in a strange situation. But Google has been in a strange situation before and was able to sort-of deal with that problem.
Looking back at how it all started – assuming Samsung disliked the Nexus 7 and Nexus 4 pricing policy – we’ll remind you that Google had to come out with a cheap Nexus 7 and to fight off the Amazon threat rather than to hurt Apple’s iPad sales, even if that mean angering regular Android partners in the process. Similarly, it could now have to launch a X Phone to prevent the Galaxy S4 from selling as well as it’s expected to sell, even if that means, again, angering everyone else in the process.
Naturally, don’t expect anyone to confirm that the X Phone is a product Google needs to prevent Samsung from getting an even larger share of the Android pie. The WSJ’s sources could always be wrong, and we could be wrong speculating on the state of the Google-Samsung relationship. Maybe the X Phone is meant to be Google’s own iPhone rival rather than a competitor to high-end Android devices. Time will tell.
From a different point of view, Google is said to have “high hopes” for the HTC One or the recently unveiled HP Slate 7 to threaten Samsung’s dominance in the Android ecosystem, although these are products that aren’t yet selling, and it will be a while until they hit stores. Does Google plan to help either HTC and/or HP in any particular manner? Again, time will tell and we’ll be here to report everything.
But since other high-end devices are yet to show their muscles, the X Phone – or the promise of an X Phone – could keep plenty of Android device buyers at home when the Galaxy S4 launches, especially those customers that prefer Nexus devices over anything else.
Earlier today we witnessed Samsung crashing the MWC 2013 party by casting a long Galaxy S4 shadow over the show. In its turn, does Google have reason to crash Samsung’s Galaxy S4 party in the coming weeks and months with more X Phone rumors primed to hit the web on a more regular basis? We’ll just have to wait and see.

What high-end phone would you rather buy, a Google X Phone or a Samsung Galaxy S4?

Android smartphone to control satellite in orbit

A satellite with an Android smartphone at its heart is now orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 785 kilometres. Called STRaND-1, the satellite's incorporation of a Google Nexus One phone is a bold attempt to test the how well cheap, off-the-shelf consumer electronics handle the harsh temperature variations and microchip-blasting cosmic radiation of space.
If it can, say the satellite's makers - Surrey Satellite Technology and the Surrey Space Centre in Guildford, UK - such spacecraft could become a lot cheaper to make. The orbiting phone was bought from a shop in Guildford's High Street.
The phonesat lifted off at 12.32 GMT yesterday aboard an Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Shriharikota, India. The rocket carried small satellites from India, France, Canada, the UK, Denmark and Austria. One of the two Canadian spacecraft was the suitcase-sized asteroid-spotter NEOSat, short for Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite, which will watch out for incoming rocks like the one that came out of nowhere and exploded over Russia on 15 February.
But it is STRaND-1 - the UK's first cubesat - that space-flight engineers will be watching with particular interest. The shoebox-sized satellite includes a Linux-based computer to maintain its orientation by controlling miniature plasma thrusters. But control will, at various points in the mission, be switched to the Android phone's circuitry to see how its consumer-level electronics copes. Can accelerometers and GPS receivers operate as a cheap guidance system? No one knows. The satellite has already been successfully in contact with ground control and the team plans to contact the phone in the next few days.

Radiation can be a major problem in space because incoming cosmic-ray protons have enough energy to flip a binary 1 stored in a memory chip to a 0, and vice versa, corrupting software and causing crashes. On the first paid-for SpaceX Dragon cargo mission to the International Space Station last October, for example, one of the spacecraft's flight computers was knocked out by a radiation hit. So the Google phone faces a challenging time.
On the fun side, the STRaND-1 smartphone also carries four Android apps written by the winners of a Facebook competition to fly "your app in space".

Monday, February 25, 2013

FIREFOX SmartPhone System Challenges ANDROID, IOS

Mozilla Foundation announced Sunday it will launch in mid 2013 its widely anticipated Firefox operating system for smartphones in a direct challenge to the duopoly of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android.
Mozilla, which campaigns for open development of the online world, showed off the first commercial version of the Firefox OS on the eve of the opening of the world’s biggest mobile fair in Barcelona, Spain.
Smartphones equipped with Firefox OS look familiar to those on other systems, with an array of apps, or application programmes, to be made available on an online store, and a mapping programme developed by Nokia.
“With the support of our vibrant community and dedicated partners, our goal is to level the playing field and usher in an explosion of content and services that will meet the diverse needs of the next two billion people online,” said Mozilla chief executive Gary Kovacs.
Mozilla, which aims to take third place behind Android and iOS, said it had already lured 17 operators including Sprint, China Unicom, KDDI, Singtel,Telefonica, Telenor and Deutsche Telecom.
The foundation said it was working with handset manufacturers South Korea’s LG and China’s TCL and ZTE on Firefox OS-run devices, with China’s Huawei to follow later in the year.
All the smartphones would be run with Qualcomm Snapdragon application processors, which use an architecture licenced by Cambridge, England-based ARM.
They will be available from the northern hemisphere summer, with the first devices arriving in Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Venezuela. Other markets are to be announced soon, Mozilla said.
Google and Apple’s operating systems combined now control more than 90 percent of the smartphone market.
Google’s Android ran 69 percent of all handsets sold last year and Apple’s iOS 22 percent, said a study by independent analytical house Canalys.
Analysts say the two leaders will still dominate the market in 2013 although there could be room for a third player.
There are several operating systems vying for that number-three spot, however, including Microsoft’s Windows Phone, Blackberry, Firefox and Samsung’s open-source project Tizen.
Blackberry, formerly RIM, announced last month its BB10 operating system as it sought to regain its glory days with a new smartphone, the Blackberry Z10.
RIM had tried to escape its niche business market several years ago but could not resist the iPhone, said research house booz&co analyst Mohssen Toumi, who gave the firm little chance of success now, either.
“Windows Phone has a real chance via the business market because it is made for work as much as for leisure,” he said.
Operators, too, are keen to break the operating system duopoly of Apple and Google, said Ian Fogg, senior mobile analyst at research house IHS.
Some Asian handset makers such as China’s Huawei and ZTE or global group’s like Spain’s Telefonica could be interested in using Firefox OS to bring out products for developing countries, said Thomas Husson, analyst at Forrester Research.
But “for a third ecosystem to really hatch, you need to have partnerships with all the players, and the operators alone are not enough. You also need the manufacturers and all the third-parties: developers, brands, content suppliers, and media,” he added.
The support of app developers was the most important and toughest to obtain.
“Developers, which are often small operations, will not want to spend their time developing and supporting applications on several platforms,” said Toumi, especially if one of them has only a small share of the ma